SaltWire E-Edition


To allow us to focus on reporting the news, some aspects of our paper are purchased from other sources, such as our horoscopes, and are put together a few weeks in advance. Some of the comments in the horoscopes may include suggestions that contradict current health advice to socially distance yourself or self-quarantine. This is because the horoscope predictions were made prior to these health decisions.



(March 21 to April 19) You need a change. Take a short trip or talk to people, because you want the stimulation of some variety in your life. Look around you and be the first to act.


(April 20 to May 20) How can you improve your earnings and increase your assets? Think about ways that you can do this and make a note of them. You’re in the zone.


(May 21 to June 20) Be bold and direct about going after what you want, because you will get it today. The stars are with you and you are empowered.


(June 21 to July 22) Stay on the sidelines today and watch what’s going on around you. Watch what other people are doing. If necessary, you will make friendly chitchat.


(July 23 to Aug. 22) Talk to friends and discuss your goals. Listen to their goals. Compare your ideas, because you can build on ideas like dominoes until something clicks.


(Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) Be direct when talking to bosses and important people today. Don’t hold back. They will be impressed with your candor and confidence. Show your colors.


(Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) Take up a new course of study or a hobby to learn something new. This is not the day to retreat or hide. Get out and be in the action.


(Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) Check out finances and debt and how this affects you, especially how you share finances with someone else. Know what you owe and know what you own.


(Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) Work with others today, or at least seek out someone’s opinion. It’s a good day to consult experts for advice or help.


(Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) Work hard today, because you will derive satisfaction from doing things well. This kind of personal pride will make your day. You like efficiency.


(Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) Get out and have a good time today, because there is no reason you shouldn’t. Your primary drive is to do what you want and please yourself. It’s not selfish. You’ve earned it.


(Feb. 19 to March 20) Go off by yourself, or stay at home, and spend some time thinking about your situation. Focus on the concerns of your most private life. You’re the only one who can do this. There will be a payoff.


You’re a great communicator because you have speaking and writing skills. You’re also an entertaining conversationalist. You like to be stimulated and you hate to be bored. You love learning new things. Fortunately, your year ahead will give you this opportunity because you will encounter change and many choices. Stay light on your feet. Be courageous and open to change.

Birthdate of: Luke Youngblood, actor; Tess Gerritsen, novelist; Blake Ross, software developer.

(c) 2021 King Features Syndicate, Inc.





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