SaltWire E-Edition


South ruffed the opening lead, drew trump in three rounds and continued with the four of clubs. He put up the queen when West followed with the deuce and was assured of twelve tricks when clubs broke 3-2.

If East had topped the club queen with the king, South would later lead a club to the ten hoping that East also held the jack.

The major suit slam essentially required a 3-2 trump division (although he could overcome jack fourth in East) and declarer must play the club suit for one loser.

South had rebid an artificial two diamonds to discover if partner owned three-card spade support or perhaps four hearts. When North revealed three spades, he judged to leap to game.

He should venture three clubs over two spades in an effort to gauge partner's reaction. Undoubtedly, North would advance to 3NT with a high concentration of strength in the red-suits.

This action would deter South from venturing a spade slam because North's diamond values would be wasted opposite the void. South would then sign off at four spades.

Author: Dave Willis - visit his website at

Questions on bridge can be sent with a stamped, self-addressed envelope to The New Canadian Bridge c/o Torstar Syndication Services, One Yonge St., Toronto, M5E 1E6.





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