SaltWire E-Edition


Declarer won the heart ace and rode the queen of spades to the king.

West switched to a diamond as South crossed to the king of clubs to advance another spade. When the jack appeared, he won the ace, extracted the last trump and claimed twelve tricks.

South's jump rebid in spades was flawed because he did not own a very good suit for this action. Exchange the four of spades for the jack and this call would be suggested.

North declined to offer a slam try despite holding a promising hand. He should cuebid four hearts to invite slam where partner would bid 4NT to ask for controls. After learning that North held the heart ace and spade queen, he is liable to settle into a spade slam.

The only issue here is how to play the trump suit. South took the percentage line opting for two finesses through East. This line succeeds when East holds at least one honor and spades break normally (3-2).

Note that declarer could misguess by beginning with the eight of spades towards dummy. If he fails to put up the queen when West plays low, he loses two spade tricks.

Author: Dave Willis - visit his website at Questions on bridge can be sent with a stamped, self-addressed envelope to The New Canadian Bridge c/o Torstar Syndication Services, One Yonge St., Toronto, M5E 1E6. Copyright 2022 Torstar Syndication Services





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