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Cleanse your social media before starting a job search

Employers are no longer limited to resumés, cover letters, interviews and reference checks

Nick Kossovan, a well-seasoned veteran of the corporate landscape, offers advice on searching for a job. You can send him your questions at

When searching for a job, assume your LinkedIn profile will be critically reviewed and you will be Googled to deem if you are interview-worthy.

Not long ago, social media platforms were considered digital arenas where people globally could connect, create online communities and exchange what was on their minds. It was thought that connections and friendships would develop based on commonalities.

Within a short time, people began utilizing social media as a global digital market for job searching and recruitment.

Today, employers are no longer limited to resumés, cover letters, interviews and reference checks. Social media sites have added a layer of screening complexity to the hiring process.

Now, employers can get a glimpse of your personality beyond your resumé. (READ: Who you really are.)

When you are hired, you can be sure your new colleagues will be Googling you. (Admit it, you have checked out a newbie's digital footprint.) Hence, the best thing you can do for your job search and career is to avoid social media mistakes.

When an employer is viewing your social media presence, there are several reasons they may not deem you interviewworthy. The following are the most common:

• Photos of alcohol and drug use. Sharing photos from last night's party where alcohol

was the central theme will not help you. Regardless of how progressive an employer (recruiter, HR manager, hiring manager) may be, pictures of this nature will disqualify you simply because they fear their boss and employees throughout the company will see the pictures and then judge their hiring ability.

• Excessive skin exposure or selfies. Outside of the entertainment industry, most employers disapprove of their employees exposing too much skin online or being a selfie queen/king.

• Lack of appropriate communication skills. We tend to shorten words and ignore grammar rules when posting/ commenting on social media sites. Employers may interpret this as a lack of communication skills. Posting/commenting reflects your writing style and your level of professionalism.

Therefore, follow grammar rules and check for typos.

• Political rants. Nowadays, it is common for people to express their political opinions, even if they may be unpopular or divisive. Yes, I know, free speech and all that. Hiring is not a democratic process.

Therefore, do what is in your best interest and avoid posting anything political or that can be considered or interpreted as being discriminatory towards races, religions and genders.

• Bad-mouthing bosses and employers. Posting negative comments about your former employers or bosses, no matter how warranted, is a sure way not to be considered interviewworthy. Posting negative comments tarnishes you and makes you look petty and unprofessional. Your negative workplace experiences have no place on social media.

• Limited presence. Employers expect you to maintain an online presence. Lacking

a social media presence will turn off many hiring managers, especially those under 40. When you do not have any social media accounts, at least a LinkedIn profile, it gives the impression that you have something to hide.

Social media sites are about posts, content, discussions and making connections that can assist you in your job search. Generally, employers are looking for skilled, passionate, dedicated and committed candidates.

Therefore, keeping your social media image professional and preventing, as much as possible, content others can share about you (i.e., not being able to tag you in pictures) will go a long way in employers judging you positively.

It is in the employer's best interest to be concerned about a candidate's public social media presence, especially in these days of hyper-political correctness. An employee's actions, on and off the job, can reflect negatively on the employer, especially in a day and age when a video can go viral in hours and seriously damage the employer's reputation.

In 2023, employers, rightfully so, are more conservative than ever. Hence, keep your social media presence as professional and conservative as possible, especially when job searching.

I would go one step further. Other than your LinkedIn profile, set all your social media accounts from public to private, at least for the duration of your job search. Once you land a job, continue to keep your social media professional.

As I mentioned, your new colleagues will be Googling you during your first weeks and probably throughout your time with your new employer, especially if you are in management.

Additionally, it is common for employers to regularly monitor their employee's social media profiles. Yes, it is legal to do so.

Bottom line: Before starting your job search, audit your digital footprint and remove anything – posts, comments, pictures, videos – that may distract an employer from hiring you.





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